Consultation Services
Metercor also owns an ABB Test Software system that is used to measure and report errors for larger scale border meters and DMA meters. Metercor offers factory trained staff who are proficient in the operation of this complex evaluation system so they can qualify and quantify their DMA meters in order to validate the source water supply and the various water main zones to determine accurate billing and cost recovery and for reporting to the regulators with regards to municipal water consumption.
ABB Ability for measurement devices is a single application that covers the ABB portfolio. The software allows for verification of in-situ flow meters. The easy-to-use software comes with a variety of communication options and provides certification in accordance with ISO9001.

Application, System Design & Meter Rightsizing
The experts at Metercor can help ensure your growing community is effectively serviced, and appropriately metered. With over 20 years’ experience in meter applications and sizing, we can ensure that not a single drop goes unmeasured. We have helped hundreds of customers increase revenues and reduce maintenance with our industry-leading products. We also have experience in water audit consultation and district metering.

Communications Consulting
The cornerstone of any utility deployment is communication and education for those who are involved. Metercor can help design, develop and deploy a variety of communication strategies and collateral to help convey the utility’s overall project goals. Strategies include:
- Conventional Letters, Flyers, Door Hangers & Billing Inserts
- Notices in Community publications
- Social Media and email communications
- Hosting open house forums
- Media Involvement and Promotion
The most successful projects take a proactive approach to public relations and generating public awareness. Directly providing residents with the information they need helps to improve their understanding, address their concerns, and promote sustainability and conservation.

Customer Database & Inventory Management
Customer service is a top priority for today’s utility providers; consumers expect faster and more reliable service than ever before. That means having the right information and the right products on hand to service customers in a timely fashion. Our software specialists can help with the managing of new meter information and interpreting meter data, while our inventory consultants will make sure you always have enough stock on hand, and quick access to more if needed.